Discover the Highest Value and Best Use of Your Property
Civil Land Co. maximizes the value and potential use of a property using years of development experience and civil engineering expertise.
Let Us Maximize the Value of Your Property
Cal Gentry is President and Owner of Civil Land Co. Using Cal’s passions for problem-solving and value maximization, Civil Land Co. applies its years of experience to raw land, residential, commercial, and industrial properties. He doesn’t take the quick and easy road and pushes for the highest value and best use. Cal wants to make your property worth more before you sell it – maximizing the income you receive.
Let's Solve Your Property Problem
Land Services
Property identification, evaluation, repositioning, and adding value. I can tell you what you can do with your land and what I can do to make it worth more before you sell it.

I can lay out and design your site to meet local, state, and federal standards with all the constraints in mind so you don’t head down a path you can’t actually reach.
I can facilitate construction of the project we've designed together to deliver lots, a commercial or industrial site, or any other outcome that fits your needs.